According to a survey, 2.5 million E-mails are dropped per second. The average rate of opening Emails is 20%. The range fluctuates from anywhere between 15% – 50%, depending upon the content of the Emails. E-mails have become one of the most convenient and authentic way to reach out to a large number of audiences. You can customize, personalize and thus become more close to your prospects. You may even end up converting them to a loyal customer of your brand!

Let’s explore some Email Marketing tips that can give you business from both affiliate marketing and business point of view. Affiliate Marketing is a full proof, low cost strategy to create a brand and earn out of it! But, innovation and development is something that you need to keep doing, in order to keep pace with the fast moving technology. One thing we often miss out is to have a pro-active approach! Getting in touch with the prospects and increase the base of the conversion. Email Marketing has added a new dimension.

Here are some useful tips that you should comply with and you are inches away to hit the nail on the head!

Right Template: There are lots of changes that our inbox has undergone over the years. So we need to choose a right kind of template which is not out-dated. Today, our world revolves in our mobile. So we have to make sure that all our templates are mobile optimized.

Write what they want to hear: You really need to understand your users well. In order to make sure that the e-mails do not go to the spam folder or trash, we need to think through it! Write what they want to hear! Focus on what the readers must answer and hence you overcome the content set back.

Reach the unreachable: It’s not fun to see your audience, not opening your E-mails! The best way to get your E-mails opened is to re-engage the audience. One simple way is to find out the open rate and resend with some engaging subject line to the ones who have not really bothered to open them.

Get into action: The whole point of this marketing form is to get the recipients into action. It has been noticed, if there are too many steps put in between opening, to take the action you are looking at; the efforts might go in vain! Give a very clear message and all the information in simple words that would call for an action.

Adhere to the regulations: Spamming is a strict no-no. There is the anti-spamming act, 2003 which you must pay attention to, or you might face some penalties. It is a smart act which does not state that gambling should not be promoted. Yet, there are some minor detailing required like mentioning the physical address of the sender, a comprehensive subject line, opt-out buttons and 30 days honoring of the requests in case of opt outs.

We, at Mediacle have understood the potential in Email Marketing and hence we encourage our affiliates to do newsletters, for the offers we roll out every month for our brands. Time is precious and so is money! We see our affiliates make a lot with Email Marketing. Our utmost endeavor is to make the lives of our affiliates easier. So, we provide customized design newsletters for our affiliates. All that needs to be done is upload to the Email Providing Service (EPS) and send it out to the player database. You will get an overall focused approach to Affiliate Marketing which is not limited to the banners, reviews or SEO, but all the mediums of digital marketing.

Search Engine Optimisation is a fast paced industry, and things tend to change every day. Since we have already crossed the first quarter of 2016, it is time to revisit the SEO and online marketing strategies that might help you make or break your business in the year 2016.