
Blog updates

Five Ways to Adjust Your Digital Marketing During COVID-19

September 8, 2020

COVID-19 has changed the digital landscape, meaning now, more than ever, startups need to ensure their digital marketing is effective Worldwide shutdowns have changed both consumer and business habits online, as well as offline, and consequently advertisers need to adjust ...

Affiliate Marketing – It is a Win – Win Situation for All

December 14, 2018

According to a survey, 2.5 million E-mails are dropped per second. The average rate of opening Emails is 20%. The range fluctuates from anywhere between 15% – 50%, depending upon the content of the Emails. E-mails have become one of ...

The Importance of Logo Design in Gaming Websites

December 14, 2018

The experienced gaming companies know pretty well what kind of troubles an ugly website may cause to their business. Following the same logic, we also very often have to explain to our clients what a bad logo can cause to ...